Full Moon and New Moon Healing: 2023 Moon Calendar and Journal

There's something magical about the moon. It has the power to light up the night sky and guide us through the darkest of times.

For centuries, people have looked to the moon for guidance and inspiration. And just as popular today, we love celebrating and honoring the full moon.

Journaling With the Cycles of the Moon

Journaling with the cycle of the moon can be very transformative.

You can journal your heart out with this 2023 moon phase calendar and journal. This is the perfect tool for planning your new moon and full moon rituals. It's also loaded with great resources for journaling your spiritual evolution with the moon. 

The Potent and Powerful Moon

The moon is very powerful and its potency when it is full can be utilized to heal, grow, and learn. The full moon is associated with Shiva in Hinduism and the new moon is associated with Kali.

Check out the detailed Full Moon guide for creating your perfect ritual here.

This guide will help you tap into your inner goddess and unleash your full potential. It is carefully crafted with resources for planning and reflecting on your new and full moon rituals. You'll also find space to write down your intentions for each phase of the lunar cycle.

Why Track the Moon's Phases?

The moon holds a lot of power. Its energy is strong and can be harnessed for our benefit. That's why it's important to track its phases.

By knowing when the moon is full, we can tap into its power to Manifest our desires. The new moon is also a powerful time for setting intentions and starting fresh.

But tracking the moon's phases isn't just about harnessing its power. It's also a way to connect with nature and tune into our intuition.

When we align ourselves with the lunar cycle, we open ourselves up to a whole world of possibility. 

The Moon's Phases and Their Meanings

There are four main phases of the moon: new moon, waxing crescent, full moon, and waning crescent.

Each phase is associated with different energies, and by attuning ourselves to these energies, we can harness their power to improve our lives. 

The New Moon: A Time for New Beginnings

The new moon is a time of beginnings. It's when we set our intentions for the month ahead and plant the seeds that we want to see grow.

This is an auspicious time for starting new projects, setting goals, and making changes in our lives. 

In Hinduism and specifically for worshippers of the Divine Mother, this sacred night is known as Amavasya. A celebration of the Divine Mother Kali and Her various forms. It is a potent spiritual practice.

The Waxing Crescent: A Time for Growth

As the new moon waxes into a crescent, it's time to start seeing some growth in our newly-planted intentions.

This is a good time for taking action on our goals, moving forward with our plans, and watching our dreams begin to take shape. 

The Full Moon: A Time for Transformation

When the moon is full, it's illuminated by the sun's light. In the same way, the full moon is a time when we can let go of old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us.

This is a powerful time for transformation, healing, and release. 

I created a detailed step-by-step Full Moon Ritual for you here in this post.

I highly recommend giving this full moon ritual a try. You will not be disappointed!

The Waning Crescent: A Time for Reflection

As the full moon wanes back into a crescent, it's time to reflect on all that we've accomplished over the past few weeks.

This is a good time for taking stock of our progress, celebrating our successes, and letting go of anything that didn't work out quite as planned. 

As with all creation, the cycle now repeats, and repeats and repeats-but this time with our crafted intentions.

By attuning ourselves to the phases of the moon, we can harness its power to improve our lives. The next time you're feeling lost or stuck, consult your calendar and journal to find out what energy you need to work with. And don't forget to check in with yourself regularly to see how you're progressing on your journey!

Use this calendar as a tool for planning your rituals, tracking your progress, and staying connected to your highest self. 

Much Love! Much Light! I’m cheering you on in your spiritual quest!

Heather Hathaway, M.Ed.

P. S.

Looking for more resources? Visit my most read blogs and get tons of good info and tips

  1. Lord Shiva, Who is He and How He Can Help You

  2. Meditation for Beginners -Aids to Help you with Your Practice

  3. Numerology 101-How to Lead a More Divinely Guided Life with Numerology

  4. 3 Reasons to Eat Plant-Based and 6 Ways How to do That!

  5. Free Meditation Session Online


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