How to Use Numerology and Make it Work Your Life’s Purpose: A Beginners Guide to Numerology

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Numerology 101: Let’s Get Started!

Have you ever been curious about Numerology and wondered what exactly it means and how can it help you live a more fulfilling life? 

Perhaps you are seeking answers to life’s questions and looking for answers on what is your destiny and what life really means??!!

I’ve been there. All through my 20s and early 30s I kept reading every spiritual book looking for signs from the universe on what I should do next and how it could help me heal! Numerology readings were something that I soon ran into and I was like what is this?? Numbers? And they are supposed to help me, how?

So that is what I’m going to share with you here in this Beginners Guide for Numerology. 

In this blog post, I’m sharing lots of great tips on how to use numerology to find your purpose in life and have more meaning! 

  • What is Numerology

  • How Numerology Works

  • An explanation of your Destiny Number, Soul Number, and Personality Number

  • The Different Numbers used in Numerology and their meanings. 

  • How to Calculate your Name Number

  • How Can You Use This Information To Help You Lead a More Fulfilling Life? 

  • How to Get a Legit and Accurate Reading

So let’s get started, I know you are going to find some keen insight and key takeaways when we are done here on how Numerology can serve you in finding your higher purpose!

First, What is Numerology? 

Numerology is the study of numbers and their meanings. It can be used to help you better understand yourself and your place in the world.

Each number has its own energy and vibration. When you combine these numbers, they can create a blueprint for your life. This blueprint can provide insight into your personality, talents, strengths, weaknesses, and more. 

The idea behind numerology is that the cosmos and your life are affected by your birth date, birth name, and many other factors surrounding an individual. It is believed that there are no coincidences in the Universe that your name and birthday affect the journey that you will take similar to the way some look at horoscopes or astrology to interpret signs or destinies.

An explanation of your Destiny Number, Soul Number, Life Path Number, and Personality Number

YourName  =  Your DestinyNumber + Your SoulNumber + Your PersonalityNumber

Your Destiny Number is based on the letters in your name and reveals what you are meant to do in this lifetime. It points you towards your soul's purpose and shows you the path to achieving it.  

Soul Number: This number is calculated using the letters in your name. It represents your true self. But your Soul Urge Number is based on the vowels in your name and describes what motivates and inspires you. This number can help guide you towards making choices that will lead to a more fulfilled life. 

Personality Number: This number is calculated using the letters in your name. It represents how others see you. 

Your Life Path Number is based on your birth date and represents who you are at your core. It stays with you throughout your entire life and is a great indicator of your strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. 

But how do we calculate these and what do we do with this information? A professional Numerologist I found has an awesome online quiz and platform to get you started…and did I mention it’s free? You will love it! Plus it can shed keen insight on opportunities that may come your way.

The Different Numbers used in Numerology and their meanings. 

Each number has its own vibrational frequency that can affect us in positive or negative ways. When you understand the meaning of numbers, you can use this knowledge to make better choices in all areas of your life, from relationships to career. 

The Different Numbers in Numerology:

  1. One is the number of new beginnings, independence, and leadership. 

  2. Two is the number of balance, cooperation, and relationships. 

  3. Three is the number of communication, creativity, and self-expression. 

  4. Four is the number of stability, structure, and hard work. 

  5. Five is the number of change, freedom, and adventure. 

  6. Six is the number of love, care, and nurturing. 

  7. Seven is the number of spirituality, intuition, and introspection. 

  8. Eight is the number of success, power, and abundance. 

  9. Nine is the number of compassion, humanitarianism, and global consciousness."  

How to Calculate Your Name Number 

Your name number is calculated by adding up the numerical values of the letters in your name. The interpretation of your name number will give you insight into your personality traits and qualities. 

For example, if your name is Sarah, your name number would be 1+9+1+2+8 = 21. 2+1 = 3. So, your name number would be 3. According to numerology experts, people with a name number of 3 are creative and expressive individuals who are excellent communicators. If this sounds like you, then it's no coincidence! 

Fun, right? Wait until you have a reading by a seasoned pro! Seriously, you should try my favorite Numerologist—you will probably say exactly what I said…”how does he know this about me??!!”

How Can You Use This Information To Help You Lead a More Fulfilling Life? 

There are so many layers to a true numerology reading and only a true professional can help open up those pathways for you so that you can understand how to utilize this information.

But a few tips to get you going are listed below:)

-If you're feeling lost or uncertain about which path to take in life, look to your Life Path Number for guidance. This number will reveal what you're meant to do and can help point you in the right direction. 

-Are you having trouble communicating with others? Understanding the meaning of the numbers associated with each letter in your name can help give you insight into how others see you and how best to communicate with them. 

-Are you feeling uninspired or stuck in a rut? Use your Soul Urge Number as a guide towards making choices that will lead to a more fulfilling life. This number will inspire and motivate you to go after what truly makes you happy. 

When I had my first reading done by a well-known professional, I was blown away at the insights, especially because some of the information is time sensitive. For example, I had an auspicious time period to act on career choices….and what do you know, I was literally in the middle of desperately trying to find a new job. This really helped me hone in on that time period and focus on success! Click here to try the same exact one I did by a legit numerology expert! And btw, it’s FREE!

An Accurate and Legit Numerology Reading

Ok, ok, I know you are thinking ok, great thanks for the information overload lol but how do I actually get a real reading done so I can implement the findings in my life? Well I have a referral for you and it’s actionable and clarifying information. Not just a generic reading that will leave you feeling like you wasted your time. The clarity that he gives is kind of crazy. Yes, just click here, it’s absolutely legit.

Plus this numerologists sends really sweet follow up emails. And the things he is able to see with his expertise is just kind of crazy accurate. Thinking about the deep layers of our universe and putting it through the lense of its relationship with math is beautifully crazy. (Huh hum math nerd and high school math teacher of 25 years here:))

I’m cheering you on! I know you’ll be stoked to get this personalized attention.
P. S. You may just find that numerology can help you lead a more fulfilling and peaceful life!

Lots of love and Light!

Heather Hathaway, M.Ed.


Bonus material 

How to Use Numerology

How Numerology Can Improve Your Life

-Numerology can help you understand yourself better - By understanding the meaning of numbers, you can gain a better understanding of who you are as a person and what motivates you. This self-awareness can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment in life as you pursue activities and relationships that align with your true nature. 

 -Numerology can help reduce stress - When making important decisions in life (e.g., changing careers or moving to a new city), consulting a numerologist for guidance can help reduce stress by providing clarity about which path is best for you based on your unique numerical vibration.  

 -Numerology can help improve relationships - By understanding the meaning of numbers associated with people in your life (e..g., family members or romantic partners), you can gain insights into their personalities and how best to communicate with them or resolve conflicts. This knowledge can lead to more harmonious relationships overall.  

It’s also really important that you do an accurate reading so that you don’t get mislead by any of the information you find if you are doing it by yourself. And again, there is urgency because there are certain time periods that are more auspicious than others to take action. Click here to get started.

Looking for more resources? Visit my most read blogs and get tons of good info and tips

  1. Lord Shiva, Who is He and How He Can Help You

  2. Meditation for Beginners -Aids to Help you with Your Practice

  3. 3 Reasons to Eat Plant-Based and 6 Ways How to do That!

  4. Free Meditation Session Online

For more smudging supplies, visit our Incense and Smudging collection.

Much Love! Much Light! I’m cheering you on in your spiritual quest!

Heather Hathaway, M.Ed.




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