Ideas for Raising Children in a Spiritual Home: Guided Children’s Meditation

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There is a great influence of Yoga, in the spiritual sense and physical exercise sense, in the West. More people than ever are curiously and passionately seeking the study of Hinduism, Buddhism, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Mysticism, and the practices of Mindfulness and Meditation.

The study of rich Ancient philosophy and the cultural depth the East brings is ever increasingly popular. Even corporate retreats are hiring mindfulness and meditation teachers to speak at corporate events and teach people how to find time to quiet the mind.

However, something we found many years ago as parents, there weren’t a lot of educational materials, training schools or community groups specifically focused on children and introducing them to Sanatana Dharma.

Let’s dig into some ideas that you will hopefully find helpful, plus a way to guide children in a simple meditation.

Raising children in a home that values spirituality is an essential part of our lives.

My husband and I have had many people ask us over the years how to introduce children to Eastern Spiritual Practices in the Western Yoga World.

We have raised two boys in the spirit of Hinduism, Vedanta, and most importantly to respect all World Religions no matter the creed.

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Suggestions and Ideas for Sparking that Interest in Your Children

I have provided a few ideas and suggestions that we have found to spark our children’s curiosity and love for our spiritual path, and religion.

We have nurtured that appreciation of Hinduism and Buddhism in our children including their vast branches which are many in number.

The community is incredibly abundant living in Southern California. There are no lack of temples, religious festivals, music centered around spirituality, yoga studios focused on spiritual disciplines and not just exercise, and many spiritual groups.

We are fortunate to live close to the Temple of the Divine Mother in Laguna Beach. We are also less than an hour's drive from several beautiful and intricate carved traditional Hindu temples, Buddhist temples and monasteries, and 3 Vedanta societies within an hour each.

Check out my post on all of these great spiritual places to go in Los Angeles if you are in the area.

Our children have both gone there with us regularly since infancy 18 years ago. This helps create a fun environment for children, having cool people who are also spiritual mentors to your children in a fun and loving way.

However, if you don't have a nearby community that you know of, here are some ideas to seek any out if you like to get social.

The Influence of Beautiful You

Apart from community, the most important factor in introducing more spirituality to your children comes from beautiful you.

If you are a parent, you well know that children are like energy magnets, little mimics and soak up all that we give-for better or worse…but what we do know is that we adhere to our spiritual routine every day and the children see this, they notice and it is very natural to them.

I have wondered what the effects would be of raising children with Eastern religion at our core. Practicing Ancient forms of religion and being blessed by so many Swamis, Holy Men, Pundits and Spiritual Musicians coming to our home.

We have had the privilege of them hanging out with us, chanting, laughing, doing puja. With our oldest being 18 now, we can see that he is proud of the way he was raised and has a deep understanding of the philosophy behind it.

Our 11 year old knows no other way of life as well and has pictures of Swami Vivekananda in his room, Ramakrishna, Holy Mother.

They are normal kids, addicted to screens and video games, go to school, get in trouble at school and look like any other kids.

We don't have to change everything we do to raise children in a spiritual home. 

10 Actionable Activities to do Together with Your Children to develop Spiritual Appreciation

Again, we know the greatest influence comes from what we do as parents at home but many of us like the community help and aid that external practices and associations can provide.

Here are some actionable items to try:

1. Watch videos on youtube for kids of Hindu stories, there are many cartoons about Hanuman, Ganesha, etc.  

2. Do some yoga together, talk about the origins of yoga, Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Grab some kids yoga mats and do some Cosmo Kids Yoga. 

3. Meditate together, just talking about how to sit still for 5 minutes. You can check out these meditation books to guide you as the parent and mull around the ideas and approach you want to use with your children. However, most are written for adults and what we found best when working with a group of children for meditation is a simple exercise such as the one that follows.

4. Read Stories life stories of Saints, Gods and Goddesses, Buddha, Christ, Ramakrishna and more. 

I love Shambhala Press’ children’s section.

Here is an absolutely beautifully illustrated book about Buddha

This beautiful Kuan Yin is just beautiful and a great read for children.

5. Do Mindfulness Activities.

6. Get together with like minded friends and make a fun day at the park out of it. Bring books to read, have a craft activity.

7. Music -there are so many great musicians who sing spiritual music or even introducing them to instruments around the world such as sitar and mridungum.

8. Plan outings to museums and study the collections.  

The East is incredibly rich in art, music, food and cultural heritage.

Learning about Eastern spiritual practices honestly goes hand in hand many times with the rich culture it was born out of.

India, for example, has many pujas. A ritualistic form of worship where an ordained priest who has studied the Vedas and scriptures, recites Mantras and offers food and flowers to the presiding Deity or form of God. This offered food is then distributed to those who visit the temple.

9. Food is a big part of Hinduism, take your kids on an outing to a nearby Indian food restaurant, they are everywhere now. Here are some favorites of our kids. 

  • Try some papadams, super crispy fried lentil flour, like a big potato chip.

  • Dosas, yum!

  • Samosa

  • For entrees, both of my boys will always eat chana masala. 

10. Visit Buddhist and Hindu temples, most states have them. Look on their websites, check their rules, all temples require leaving your shoes at the door and it’s nice to have a small amount of cash, flowers or fruit for offering, but not required. 

Buddhist temples usually have beautiful big Buddha statues that the kids love. Hindu temples are filled without all kinds of sights and sounds for kids senses. Incense is usually burning, there are fresh flowers all around, the Deities are always beautifully decorated.

Have them visit a gift shop or online shop and see if any of the deities interest them.

Many children like having their own little murtis (statues) of a god or goddess and their own little shrine in their room. My boys both have small shrines in their rooms with the many deities they have collected over the years.

A Quick Guide for Teaching your Children how to Meditate

Star by having them sit criss cross on the floor, preferably in the same place and if you have a special cushion or seat that makes it even more fun.

Talk about the importance of posture and keeping the spine straight. It is important to correct their posture a few times in the beginning so they understand a straight spine.

Then ask them to close their eyes and just simply feel their breath going in and out.

Ask them to visualize an object, Divine -such as an incarnation of God or a God or Goddess, or a symbolic object such as a lotus or candle flame.

Tell them to try and hold that right in their chest.

Try to have a clock or timer nearby and just do 5 minutes. For the little ones this is still hard and they will run off by repetition is the key here. If you pick a time every day or every other day or even a few times a week, it will soon become habit. 

I started and ran a Sunday school program at the Trabuco Monastery in California. It has a beautiful meditation room that is out of this world. I would take the kids in there for just 5 minutes and I taught them how to meditate as described above.

And they always did a great job!!

The Importance of the Lessons on Character

Swami Vivekananda said about Character ..if we don't teach them this from a young age then everything else is for naught. I even made a summer of character workbook for a group of children I lead for a the Sunday School at the Trabuco Ramakrishna Monastery. 

Find books on character and bring up its importance daily.

Swamji said character is your collection of habits so that is why it is so important to form good habits from a young age.

It is no easy task raising children and especially when you really try hard to give them these important lessons in life. I’m cheering you on!!

Looking for more resources? Visit my most read blogs and get tons of good info and tips

  1. Lord Shiva, Who is He and How He Can Help You

  2. Meditation for Beginners -Aids to Help you with Your Practice

  3. Numerology 101-How to Lead a More Divinely Guided Life with Numerology

  4. 3 Reasons to Eat Plant-Based and 6 Ways How to do That!

  5. Free Meditation Session Online

Please post your thoughts, comments or questions. Please share any ideas as well to keep the conversation going. Share with your friends-discuss it with your community. Share our resources and let's continue to inspire each other to parent mindfully. 

Please note, negative comments will not be published. This is a forward-moving conversation only.  

With all the Love and Good Wishes your Way! 

Heather Hathaway, Masters in Education


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